
African Lion The King of Africa

Lions are big cats that are divided into eight subspecies. Six subspecies called the lion Africa, the Barbary lion, the lion of West Africa, northeastern Congo lion, lions Massai, Katanga, and the Transvaal lion. Six subspecies are the most popular. Two other subspecies are Asian lion or also known as Persian lion. They are Melanochaita Panthera Leo or lion Panthera Leo persica Cape and Asian lions or Persian or

African Lion

Six African subspecies is the most studied by researchers around the world, because they are more popular than the other two subspecies. African lion is the second largest cat after the tiger, because tigers are the largest cat that got the number one title nicknamed the King of the Forest.

African Lion

However, African lion predators capable shocking the world and the most fearsome big cats, because they have life socialization or live in groups that can dominate all predators that spread across the African plains. Subspecies of African lion weighs quite heavy, male lion average 440 pounds and females average 330 pounds.

African Lion

African lions male and female must unite and be part of a group called Pride (pride) to defend his life, because prey can only obtained from the hunting in groups and organized. A groups lion can have up to 40 members of lion and even more. Most of the group members is the female with his son and only few male lions.

African Lion

Male lion should not be much, and there is only one of the strongest male will become leaders in the group. While other male lion are some young lion, who had to wait until last while feasting prey.

After the young lion is strong enough, they will be cast out to go from the group, and this will trigger fight to gain positions of leadership. Males who win in a fight it will be a leader, he would first turn to eat prey and when it gets right to marry all the females in the group. Male lion who lost must be willing leave from the group and should immediately challenge the males of other groups to become leaders in order to preserve his life, because the lion could only hunt in groups.

Living in groups is a must for African lion to survive. They have a natural instinct of life worked together and carry out their duties in an orderly manner. The female in charge of hunting prey and caring for their children in turn. The female will each feeding their children in the group indiscriminately, even though children from other females who ask for milk.

African Lion

While the male lion served to protect members groups from disorders that attack or other predators will prey on their children. Male lion should also be always ready to fight at any time if there are challenges from other males who want to control group, and this is already a risk that will inevitably come at any time.

African lion is designed perfectly for fighting and hunting. African lion have big muscles and strong hind legs, which allows them to pounce on its prey with ease. They have powerful claws, large jaws and sharp teeth that allows them to quickly immobilize prey or opponent. Their tails to create a balance while chasing prey, they have a very sensitive sense of smell and look sharp eight-fold the human eye when they hunt at night.