
Ajanta Caves Maharashtra Buddha Statues

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Ajanta Caves

Ajanta caves in Maharashtra, one of many ancient relics that exist in India. The amazing thing in this cave paintings are also numerous Buddha statues of high artistic value. It is estimated, the monuments that exist in this cave began to be worked in the 2nd century BC.

Ajanta Caves

But in the Ajanta caves are then left out. During the 1300 years it cave neglected, on the outside, shrubs grow tall, eventually becoming a forest automatically hide the existence of this cave. No one ever knew that there kept 'world heritage' extraordinary. Until finally in the spring of 1819 a British officer, accidentally enters a steep canyon.

Ajanta Caves

The deeper he get in there, and he was remarkable because he was shocked to find a hidden door in one of the Ajanta caves. This is the first visit after thousands of years humans. When found the cave was 'home' bats and birds and other animals. Captain Smith then make the first exploration to determine the 'contents' of the mysterious cave. Captain Smith's name is unknown, because the corresponding write his name on the cave wall and the coming year. He wrote, "Captain Smith, April 1819".