
About Mangrove Forests

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The forest ecosystem or brackish mangrove forest ecosystems are forests that grow in tidal areas, especially in the sheltered beach, lagoon and tidal estuaries, and salt tolerant vegetation communities. According to FAO, Mangrove Forest is community of plants that grow in tidal areas. Habitat conditions muddy, sandy, or sandy mud. These ecosystems are ecosystems that are typical for the tropics and subtropics, contained in a muddy shore of Regional and calm water (ocean waves is not large). Ecosystem forest called the forest ecosystems of the region, brackish due to brackish (estuarine), the area of ​​waters with salinity / salinity between 0.5 ° / oo and 30 ° / oo is called the tidal forest ecosystems, as there are in areas affected by tidal sea water.

Mangrove Forests
Mangrove Forests

Mangrove Forests also known as tidal forest, coastal Woodland, forest and hutan payau (Indonesian language). In addition, mangrove forests by the people of Indonesia and other Southeast Asian countries in Malay language is often called the mangrove forest. The use of the term mangrove forests actually are less precise and ambiguous, because the mangroves is the local name of the genus Rhizophora, while the mangrove forests and overgrown compiled by many other genera and species of plants.

Mangrove Forests
Mangrove Tree Forests

Mangrove spread across the ocean tropics and subtropics, growing only in the sheltered beach from wave motion; When circumstances the opposite coast, the seed can not grow properly and dropping roots. These beaches right along the side of the islands are protected from the wind, or a series of islands or land masses on the island behind the coral reefs off the coast of the sheltered

Mangrove Forests
Mangrove Swamp Forests

Vegetation found in brackish forest ecosystems/mangrove forests dominated by plants that have roots breath or pneumatofora (Ewusie, 1990). In addition, plant species that live in brackish forest ecosystems is plant species that have the capability of adaptation to high salinity brackish and must live in such environmental conditions, so plant species of vegetation are called obligate halophytes. Vegetation is generally a species of tree that can reach a height of 50 m and only form a single stratum canopy, so it is generally said that at no brackish forest canopy stratification in full as in the types of other forest ecosystems. existing plants or found in brackish forest ecosystem consisting of 12 genera of flowering plants including the genus Avicennia, Sonneratia, Rhizophora, Bruguiera, Ceriops, Xylocarpus, Lumnitzera, Laguncularia, Aeigiceras, Aegiatilis, Snaeda, and Gonocarpus.

Keyword: Mangrove, Mangrove Forests