
Tiger Indochina (Panthera tigris corbetti)

Tiger Indochina (Panthera tigris corbetti)
  • Categorized as Endangered species (Endangered) in the list of the IUCN world conservation organizations, and included in CITES: Appendix I, which means international commercial trade is prohibited. Indochina tiger population is estimated in the range of 700-1225 individuals in the wild.
  • Its population is spread across six countries: Thailand, Cambodia, China, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam, in tropical and subtropical moist forest.
  • The upper part of the body of this tiger has a reddish orange color variant of a color to yellowish white on the belly. Black spots or dark gray.
Tiger Indochina (Panthera tigris corbetti)
  • Its existence is increasingly fragmented due to the rapid opening of the land, causing isolation of populations and facilitate the activities of poachers.
  • In Cambodia, in addition to using camera traps, dogs trained to find traces of the smell and the tiger. The resulting findings will help tiger conservation efforts.
  • The smell of urine and feces left by the tiger is a code that can only be translated by other tigers, such as warning or information region boundary to the opposite sex.
  • The tiger is a revered animal in Vietnam. He was nicknamed "Chua son lam" which means more powerful than any other mountain dwellers.
Tiger Indochina (Panthera tigris corbetti)

Keyword:  Panthera tigris corbetti, Tiger Indochina