
Newcomers animal in amazon

The latest report from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) shows that between 1999 and 2009 had more than 1,200 new species have become extinct or are believed to be rediscovered in the Amazon jungle. This means a plant or animal species are found every three days, making Amazon one of the most diverse in the world.

"This report shows a remarkable diversity of life in the Amazon," said WWF president, Francisco Ruiz, as reported by the WWF's official website on October 26, 2010.

He explained the new discovery is touted for a decade the greatest invention consists of 637 plants, 257 species of fish, 216 types of amphibians, 55 reptiles, 16 species of birds and 39 species of mammals.

Among those found are:
- Anaconda is categorized in a Latin name, Eunectes beniensis, who had discovered in 1936. Found in the Amazon jungle Bolivia in 2002, was first suspected as a result of the combined green and yellow anacondas, but in fact it is a new type.

- Ranitomeya amazonica, incredible frogs with red flame motif on his head and blue all over his body. Found in the Peruvian Amazon.

- Pyrilia aurantiocephala parrot, who has a bald head and a variety of color, found in the Brazilian Amazon. This species into the endangered category.

- Pesut pink Amazon or Latin name Inia boliviensis was first discovered in 1830. First mistaken for a subspecies of Inia geoffrensis but turned out differently.
Inia bolivienses from Amazon

- Catfish red, blind and small size are found in Rondonia, Brazil. Found in digging a well in the village of Rio Pardo, this fish is accidentally transported into the bucket.

Although most of these species live quietly in the dense Amazon jungle, but the threat of extinction is still stalking them. In the past 50 years, according to WWF data, humans have caused damage to at least 17 percent of the Amazon rain forest. This figure is bigger than Venezuela, or two times larger than Spain.

WWF is urging every neighborhood organizations and governments to pay attention to these forests, because the carbon produced 90-140 billion here. If the carbon is released into the air due to deforestation, the more it will exacerbate global warming.

"Action is needed immediately to avoid this scary scenario," said Ruiz also said that Amazon's survival depends on the cooperation of Latin American countries in its path. (Hs)