
Whale facts: Scientists Reveal Secrets of the Whale Migration

PARIS - Scientists United States (U.S.) managed to uncover the secret behind the whale migration is still a mystery. As quoted by AFP on Thursday (10.27.2011), some killer whales tail is able to swim as far as 10 thousand kilometers, from the South Pole to the tropics, with the aim not to eat and breed.

Whale facts
Whale facts

According to a study conducted by the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Services (NMFS), these whales swam from the cold waters at high speed, then slowed it up in warm waters. "These fish migrate to the urge to make their skin more shiny and new," said the NMFS.

NMFS party said earlier very little is known what the motive of this migration, or how the whales are considering the track. In this study, John Durban and Robert Pitman of the National Marine Fisheries Service to track the movement of a dozen whales in the Antarctic peninsula over the satellite transmitter.(