
Koala Bear Facts

Koala is one of the protected animals. How much fun if we can can have these animals. However, making a koala as a pet can make you punished in Australia, anyone who maintains a koala will get jail term. Despite its name pick meaning "no drink", koala still drink the water! Only, these animals are rarely seen drinking. Koala gets its water from eucalyptus leaves are eaten by it.

Koala bear pictures
Koala bear pictures

This animal is known as an animal who loves to sleep. Koala can sleep up to 18 hours per day. When not sleeping, koala using his time to eat or move from one tree to another. They can also jump up to 150 feet (45.72 meters) measured from the top of the tree.

Koala bear habitat
Koala can be found along the east coast of Australia from Adelaide to Cape York Peninsula, and far into the inland as there is sufficient rainfall to support suitable forests for koalas.

Is a koala a bear? Let see the illustration.
Phascolarctos cinereus the latin name of koala (Greek: phaskolos means the bag; arktos means bear Latin: cinereus means gray in color.), that mean koala base on name is bear, that prove from "arktos means bear". So, all up to you to decide. We can not prove in detail whether the koala's come from families bear, but for us to see its name possible to include koala into the bear family.

Baby koala bear
Baby koala bear
If you see the size of an adult koala, do you know that when born, koalas only have a length of 1 inch (2.54 CM)? Weighing only by bees, as koalas are born. Baby koala will remain in the bag her mother until him 6 months old and while still breastfeeding.

Koala is an icon for Australia is now endangered habitat. Koala population decline as much as 80 percent have occurred on some areas. Decline in koala populations due to natural living habitat quality deteriorates. As a result of environmental pollution, urban renewal, disease, mining, floods, logging, bush fires on land, and expected an attack dog one of the factors why the koala population in Australia decreased. However, the influence of motor vehicle pollution and industry are the main factors exacerbating the environmental conditions where the growth of koala habitat.