
Malayan Sun Bear facts, habitats, etc

The sun bear, sometimes known as the honey bear. The sun bear is also called Honey Bear can be found in tropical rain forests of Asia. This Malayan Sun Bear entire body has black fur, but her face had a gray color and upper chest though there are white patches sometimes appear vague, brown eyes, long tongue and can be extended in accordance with the natural conditions for extracting honey from honeycomb in trees, have long nails on all four arms are used to facilitate the search for food and climb trees.

sun bear habitats

Sun bears are nocturnal or also called nocturnal creatures, they spend time on the ground and climb trees in search of food. Except for females with his baby, sun bears are generally solitary.

Sun bear food:
Sun bears are omnivorous animals, they eat fruits and tropical rain forest plants, as well as shoots of plants species of palm, coconut. They also eat insects, honey, birds and other small animals. If the sun bears eat the fruit, seeds be swallowed whole, so it is not broke, after a bowel movement, the seeds are there in the dirt began to grow so that sun bears have a very important role as a disseminator of stone fruit plants such as cempedak, durian, lahung, kerantungan and many other types. and found some cases prey on goats.

The habitats:
The Sun Bear (Ursus malayanus), sometimes known as Honey Bear, is a bear found primarily in tropical rain forests of Southeast Asia, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, South China, Peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra and Kalimantan. Malay Sun bears Borneo is the smallest of these species and subspecies are considered to warrant status (Helarctos malayanus eurispylus). Southeast Malay bears inhabit both primary and logged tropical forests, dense in Asia, including tropical always green forests, mountain forests and marsh habitat. This occurs up to 2,000 meters above sea level.

The biggest threat Honey Bear lives in Borneo and Sumatra is the destruction of forests and the people as its main predator. The impact of fires and uncontrolled deforestation that swept the forests of Sumatra and Kalimantan, causing populations H. malayanos threatened with extinction. This is difficult because of endangered species to survive, since honey bear only lives in wet lowland tropical forest. While the damage forest fires and illegal logging occurs almost every year. Coupled with the level of dependence on low lying wet tropical forests is very high. Some bear ever found dead of starvation due to burn down their forests. This proves that these animals live only in forest areas that are completely natural.

sun bear

Sun bears (Helarctos malayanus), its existence continues to shrink. But it's not an easy matter to add the numbers. Not only because of wide habitat is reduced due to coal mining in East Kalimantan, but these animals were also reluctant to reproduce as if the wide territory continues to shrink. There are interesting facts about the unique nature of sun bears, which is not or hold to have children if they feel that his children would not receive a suitable roaming area.

sun bear

Since 1994, Sun bears (Helarctos malayanus) categorized the status of conservation "Vulnerable" (Vulnerable; VU) which means that these species are at risk of extinction in the wild. Besides sun bears included in CITES Appendix I since 1979.