
Amur Leopard Facts, Habitat, Conservation

Amur Leopard Facts - These animals are found in areas throughout Korea and Northeast China and Russian Far East (amur leopard habitat). The amount is currently in the wild is less than 35 and is one of the species of the family of the rarest cat on Earth. Known also named Leopard Machuria, the cat is facing the threat is most certainly remove them from the wild population of the earth.
Amur Leopard
Amur Leopard
Amur leopard (pardus orientalis Phantera) is a subspecies of leopard cat that had a great family life and a different story, has a pattern of dots and patterns that are different from other leopards. Although still at a glance as the leopard (spotted) usual, but noticed a young creamy color with spots and a broken circle with a dark color in the middle of the pattern. This style will look different in the winter and summer. If winter comes, the feather pattern measuring 7.5 cm, while in summer decreases to 2.5 cm.
Amur Leopard pictures
 Amur Leopard pictures
In 2007, the identification of these animals show the number of Amur leopards left in the wild is only 25-35 tail again, the very small to survive! Therefore, the rescue environment and animal-lovers called for the protection of the Amur leopard.