

American Bison (Bison bison) - Bison is a typical American bison, they are symbolic animal that symbolizes the greatness and bravery, even in America this animal is often mistakenly called buffalo. By whatever name, they are tough animals and the heaviest land animal in North America.
Specification in general, bison are of the type of mammal or mammal, the status of prey are herbivores or plant-eating animals. The average life span in the wild 12 to 20 years with body size for the head and body length of about 7 to 11.5 feet (2.1 to 3.5 m), tail length of about 19.75 to 23.5 inches ( 50 to 60 cm), weight 930 to 2,200 lbs (422-998 kg). They live in a community called  herd.

Did you know? Bison fur coat is very thick, well insulated so it can continue to snowball on his back without melting.

If the bison standing shoulder height from 5 to 6.5 feet (1.5 to 2 meters) and weighs nearly one ton (998 kilograms). Although large in size, able to move their feet quickly. When necessary, they can run at speeds up to 40 miles (65 kilometers) per hour. They are curved and sharp horns that grow in a long time about two feet (61 cm).
baby bison
baby bison
This big bull eating grass on the plains, leaves, shrubs, and twigs. They regurgitate their food and chew longer before swallowing it up like the foam into the hull.

Bull females and males generally live in small herds are separate and will then gather in huge flocks during the breeding season when the summer comes. Males should be able to win the contest through a battle with other males for mating with females, but their competition is not so dangerous. Females give birth to a small bull pups after a gestation period of nine months.

American Bison initially fills the entire Great Plains grasslands and large parts of North America, and has an important role for the Indians because they are used as food. But after entering the 19 century, the arrival of new immigrants has killed at least 50 million head of bison for sport and hunting for food, so they have omitted the most important natural asset for the Indian tribes who are natives of the Americas.
bison pictures
bison pictures
Now the population of bison in the Great Plains just a few hundred head of animals that live in the wild. Currently a successful bison survival in the wild is low and approximately 200,000 heads of bison living on the ranch where they raised for their meat sold.