
Top Ten Mountain gorilla facts

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Mountain gorilla facts - The discussion this time we will discuss about the facts of the mountain gorilla from Africa. Maybe it's widely seen and known that the gorilla is one of the highly protected animals and mountain gorilla is endangered species. Here will be a little exposed some facts that will make your mind to remember how important the protection of the mountain gorillas (african mountain gorilla). 

mountain gorilla pictures
(image from
mountain gorilla pictures

The first fact of mountain gorillas.
Since the mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei) found late 1902, the population of these animals is declining due to illegal logging, poaching mass, and the illegal pet trade. 

The second fact
mountain gorilla habitat, currently there are about 700 mountain gorillas left on earth, and nearly half live in the Virunga mountain forests of central Africa. These gorillas live on the green volcanic slopes of Rwanda, Uganda, and the Democratic Republic of Congo, the area is often the case that the slaughter of animals by humans, so here gorilla could not escape unscathed during the hunt. 

The third fact
Many conservation efforts have been made in order to save the mountain gorilla, and it is believed that their numbers will be stable or even increasing slowly. But they still face a serious threat here, that the loss of habitat and poaching. 

Facts fourth
Gorillas can climb trees, but are usually found in soil and bersosial live up to 30 individuals. Gorilla society is composed of an interesting social structure. The group, led by a dominant male gorilla adult or an older, often called silver because silver hair that adorn the plot behind dark fur. Members of the group include several other young males, several females and their offspring. 

Facts fifth
The group leader leads all activities like eating, nesting in leaves, and moving in an area of ​​0.75 to 16-square-mile (2-to-40-square kilometers) in area. 

Facts sixth
Those young stud is considered as challenges that tend to be frightened by the dominant males with impressive ferocity and demonstrate physical strength. Dominant males will stand up, tear apart the surrounding objects, creating an aggressive appearance, and showing big chest while shouting loud calls or release a frightening roar. However, despite the display of physical force as a beast, but the gorillas generally have a calm temperament and nonaggressive unless they are disturbed. 

Facts seventh
mountain gorilla population - BBC reported, the mountain gorilla population decline due to poaching, armed conflict, deforestation and disease. The number of gorillas in the Virunga National Park is estimated only 211 left in the wild, while the number is estimated no more than 720. Virunga National Park covers an area of ​​three countries in Africa, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Uganda with an area of ​​7800 km square. This area is designated as a UNESCO World Heritage in 1979. 

Facts eighth
If you want to do mountain gorilla trekking, mountain gorilla safaris, and mountain gorilla tours, then you are obliged to visit the Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Uganda. Gorilla charity events we need to encourage to the maximum, so that the mountain gorillas not perish. 

Facts ninth Female
gorillas give birth to one baby gorilla after nearly nine months of pregnancy. Unlike their powerful mother, newborn very small weighing two pounds, and is only able to cling to their mothers fur. Baby gorilla continues to be in the back of their mother from the age of four months to two or three years in their first life. 

Facts tenth
Young gorilla aged three to six years as impressive as human life in childhood. Most of their days are spent playing, climbing trees, chasing each other, and swing from one branch to another branch.

Mountain gorilla
(image from
Mountain gorilla