
Monarch butterfly caterpillar

Monarch butterfly or a butterfly king or better known to the researchers by the name Danaus plexippus. The butterflies of this type is often found in areas of North America, where the continent of North America is the habitat of the monarch butterfly distribution.

Just like other butterflies, monarch butterfly is also undergoing a process of metamorphose or body shape changes.  From egg to caterpillar to chrysalis and then just become monarch butterfly.

Monarch butterfly caterpillar
 Monarch butterfly caterpillar
Monarch butterfly caterpillar
 Monarch butterfly caterpillar
Monarch butterfly caterpillar
 Monarch butterfly caterpillar (all image/photo from wikipedia)

In phase a monarch butterfly caterpillar this is, caterpillars eat leaves to grow and then become pupae. Often people feel fear or contempt for monarch butterfly caterpillars, because caterpillars have a bad shape and unattractive. But when it becomes a butterfly paradigm changed drastically. Then you should change the mindset of monarch butterfly caterpillars. Since there will be no monarch butterflies are beautiful and pretty when monarch butterfly caterpillars do not exist.