
Critical for Congo Forest

The particular Democratic Republic of Congo has approximately 25% with the world’s remaining rainforests. In contrast to be able to neighbouring countries, very little commercial exploitation provides occurred in its 1. 3 million square kilometres of forest (a location twice the size of France) because of the limited road infrastructure and decades of debilitating conflict. However, now relative stability has returned to Congo sufficient reason for the restoration of democracy, international logging companies are lining around commercially exploit this valuable resource. Concurrently the international community is now recognising the worth to the global climate of preserving the forests and the necessity to pay countries such as the DRC never to cut them down.

Critical for Congo Forest

The future of DRC’s congo forests rest with a critical juncture. The concern is that the change agenda both internationally and within the DRC will never be developed in time; nor with sufficient robustness to stop large scale deforestation.

Critical for Congo Forest

Throughout Africa, industrial logging has did not deliver development benefits for both hawaii and forest communities. It threatens to be able to destroy the forests, their rich biodiversity as well as the communities that live or depend about it for their livelihoods, as well since contributing massively to climate change. Lasting industrial logging depends heavily on robust state regulation. The capacity of the DRC (Congo) natural enviroment administration is minimal and hampered from the widespread culture of corruption which pervades Congolese community.
