
Flora Forest Zaire

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Flora of Zaire is incredibly rich and diverse. Trees, plants, shrubs and flowers of various species are found in Zaire due to extreme hot and wet climate. Tropical rain forests dominate the topography in the country. Large areas of Zaire are generally completely covered with dense canopy involving trees. Flora in Zaire are mostly through the Meliaceae, Simaroubaceae, Asteraceae Ancanthaceae and Fabaceae seed species.
Flora Forest Zaire
Rubber and palm trees are found extensively in this area. Coconut, Banana, Palm and Plantain include the native fruits of the country. Forests in Zaire produce quality timber in different varieties such while mahogany, cedar, redwood, and roko. Ituri is often a very dense forest of Zaire and various species of flora are located here. The forest growth in Zaire have given immense scope on the growth of wild life. The herbs and shrubs found near your vicinity are also used for medicinal uses. Mushrooms and honey are the main forest products and seen in large quantities in the forests. Poisonous plants are located in the interiors of the lustrous tropical forests. The thick tropical forests in addition have helped the lumbering industry to expand. Wood from the forests are used by several commercial purposes.
