
Important Result Forest Fire

Forest fires in recent years become an international concern as an environmental issue that resulted in forest degradation and deforestation, pollution haze and carbon emissions. The negative impact of up to become a global issue is the smoke from the burning that have crossed state borders. Combustion other than causing fog also pollute the air and increases greenhouse gases.

Important Result Forest Fire

Thick smoke from forest fires because it can interfere negatively impact public health, especially respiratory tract disorders. Besides thick smoke also disrupt transportation, especially air transport in addition to land, rivers, lakes, and seas. At sufficiently large forest fires that many cases had to be delayed or canceled flight. While on land, river, lake and ocean occurred several cases of collision or accident causing loss of lives and property.

Important Result Forest Fire

Another effect is the destruction forest after a fire and loss of wildlife. Heavy forest burning will be difficult to be restored, because the soil structure is damaged. Loss of vegetation led to open land, so easily eroded, and can no longer withstand flooding. So after forest burning, frequent floods in the rainy season in many areas of forest burned. Losses due to flooding is also difficult to calculate.