
Mitigation Global Warming by Bamboo Forest

Mitigation Global Warming by Bamboo Forest

Global warming is the biggest threat to the survival of life on earth. Some facts demonstrate the truth of this case including the polar ice north and south have been melting, rising sea levels, climate change, heat waves, and the exhaustion of the world's fresh water resources. All that result from global warming.

The biggest cause of global warming gases is Carbon Dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrogen oxide (NO), and Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). Forests are expected to dump CO2 gas has been damaged. Even the destruction of forests adds to the amount of CO2 in the air. The trees that have died will produce CO2 gas and release it into the atmosphere. Therefore, the thing to do is eliminate Carbon Dioxide in the air that can accumulate in the atmosphere. To remove carbon dioxide gas in the air made the greening of the multiplying plant trees so that the gases CO2 from various sources can be absorbed and not up into the atmosphere. CO2 gases are absorbed in the process of photosynthesis by green plants.

Mitigation Global Warming by Bamboo Forest

Associated with the greening efforts green plants should be planted bamboo is a plant, rather than woody plants or fruits. The reason is based on predictions of a NASA climate expert named dr. H. J. Zwally as saying that almost all the Arctic ice cap will disappear in late summer 2012 due to global warming. Bamboo plants can grow quickly that it only takes about three years, compared with woody plants and fruits that require considerable time to reach adulthood. Moreover, in terms of absorption of Carbon Dioxide, bamboo absorbs more carbon dioxide than in woody plants or fruits. Studies show that a hectare of bamboo can absorb more than 12 tonnes of carbon dioxide in the air. This is a fairly large amount. By preserving the bamboo forest, that means we have a vacuum carbon dioxide in a large capacity.