
Picture of a Tiger Animals and Description

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Picture of a Tiger
 Picture of a Tiger

Tigers are known as the largest cat, the tiger is essentially similar to the lion in size, although a bit heavier. Different subspecies of tiger have different characteristics as well, in general male tigers weigh between 180 and 320 kg and females weigh between 120 and 180 kg. The length of males between 2.6 and 3.3 meters, while the females between 2.3 and 2.75 meters. Among the surviving subspecies, Sumatran tiger is the most smallest and most largest Siberian tiger.

Picture of a Tiger
Picture of a Tiger
Picture of a Tiger

Camouflage on most tigers vary from brown to black. The shape and density striped different subspecies from each other, but almost all tigers have over 100 stripes. Javan tigers are now extinct striped more likely to have more. Unique camouflage pattern of each tiger, and can be used to distinguish one another, similar to a fingerprint function.

Picture of a Tiger
The character of the tiger is the primary color yellow to brownish; striped black; white on abdominal; face has a mustache; limbs digitigrade type. Distinguishing characteristics for the sub-species are webbed between the fingers; male has a beard and a mane; level of body color; thick, thin stripes; patterns in wide black stripes. The behavior of the tiger is roaring (though not as much as a lion); not stand the heat; like bath; a good swimmer; rarely climb trees; licking his body; back and forth when hungry; solitary except for mating season; period 95-112 days pregnant; childless 2-6; children join the parent until the age of 2 years. Read again Picture of a Tiger