
African wild dog

African wild dogs are also called spotted dog or Cape hunting dogs, they roam the open plains and forest trees rarely sub-Saharan Africa. African wild dogs are the type of mammals (Mammalia), the status of carnivores (meat eaters), the average life span in the wild up to 11 years. Their body size, length 29.5 to 43 inches (75 to 110 cm), weight :39,5-79 lbs (18 to 36 kg), the protection of endangered status.

African wild dog
African wild dog

These animals have fangs long and only four toes on each foot, not like other dogs have five toes on their front legs. Latin name of this dog is "painted wolf" which means "wolf leopard". This name refers that these animals have an irregular color, speckled feathers spotted on her body that has patches of red, black, brown, white and yellow. Each animal has a unique coat pattern and all had big ears and round.

African wild dogs live in groups of wolves usually dominated or led by the most powerful couples. Females have children from 2 to 20 pups, which were treated by all members of the group. These dogs are very social life and their groups are known to share food and help each other for members of the weak or sick. In social interaction, these dogs communicate by touch, actions, and vocalizations.

African wild dog Pictures
African wild dog Pictures

This African wolves hunt in packs with a member about 6 to 20 head and even more in each group. Membered group of wolves will hunt larger antelopes as well as prey-handling larger prey such as wildebeests, zebras and others, especially if large prey they are sick or injured. Besides these dogs also prey on rodents and birds.

Along with the development of human settlements, a group of these wolves sometimes prey on their livestock, although it does not cause severe losses. Unfortunately, these wolves are often hunted and killed by farmers who fear losing their livestock.

African wild dog is now being threatened with extinction. They face a narrowing of the habitat in search of prey by opening residential and farm land. They are also quite susceptible to diseases spread by domestic animals such as cattle and German shepherd.