
Gray Wolf (canis lupus)

Gray wolf is the largest on the species. they can be found in diverse habitats in much of North America. These animals survived the ice age and estimated the ancestors of domestic dogs. But they may not survive the cruelty of human

Gray wolf is a carnivorous mammal, meat eaters and animals including wild animals. Grey Wolf has a common origin with the family dog from overseas Canis lupus through evidence the shrinking DNA and the investigation of genetic.

gray wolf facts

canis lupus

Some breeds also have a physical form similar to the wolf, for example dogs Siberian Husky and Samoyed types. In general, the wolf has a height of about 60cm to 80cm (26-32 inches) and weighs about 23-59 pounds. Wolves often hunt at night. Wolves often howl at night.

Five Facts about Gray Wolf

1. Gray wolf (Canis lupus) are mammals and have a common ancestor with dogs. They are mostly found in cold temperate countries. Thick feathers to protect these animals from cold weather.

2. Gray wolf may stand as high as 0.6 to 0.9 meters and weighs about 25 to 65 kg. Like all other wild animals, they rely on their senses. wolves use these senses to hunt and communicate with other wolves. They could hear the howling of wolves from a distance of at least 3 to 4 miles. Their sense of smell is 100 times sharper than humans.

3. Being able to run about 35 to 40 miles per hour, the gray wolf claws provide support while flat on the snow. They raise their heads only when the alert, and usually carry their heads on the same level with their backs. This meat-eating animals can eat almost anything - from deer, rabbits and mice to moose, deer and sheep.

4. Gray wolves are social animals included. Regardless of the number of members in one group, the wolf will always stay together. The group known as the wolf pack, was ruled by a powerful male wolves. Interestingly, they hunt together, play together and even howl together. As a whole group of wolves is highly organized hierarchically.

5. Another significant fact is that wolves are basically color blind, and their puppies are born deaf and blind at all. They began to look after aged 9 to 12 days. With the rapid growth rate, weight of child this wolf will increase nearly 30 times in their first four months.

Although the wolves have not considered endangered, but local populations are still threatened. Not only are they being hounded, but they also popular as pets. The hunt for them should be limited and we must also try to not destroy their habitat, to preserve their future.