
Baby Elephant: Pictures, Weight, etc

The elephant is the largest animal to live on land. This is because the weight of the animal elephant is the heaviest weight of the animals that live on land. Certainly very interesting to talk about the elephant, but at this time we are not concerned about the elephants but about the baby elephant. Why baby elephant? certainly a lot of interesting side of the baby elephant can we review more detail and will certainly be very interesting to you. Let's discuss point by point about the baby elephant.

The Bengal Tiger: facts, white, and informations

Tiger is a very interesting animal to study. One type of tigers remaining on Earth is bengal tiger. The bengal tiger is typical animal india and surrounding areas. Scientific name for bengal tiger is Panthera tigris tigris. Panthera tigris tigris as bengal tiger scientific name because the bengal tiger belongs to the sub-species of Panthera tigris, Panthera is a genus of the tribe Felidae and consists of four big cats.

Avocado: Nutrition facts and Important Informations for Health

Avocado or by any other name parsea americana is a fruit that was originally derived from the region of Central America and Mexico. Plant avocado is a tropical plant, which means that the plant only grows in tropical regions. Facts have shown that avocado is a fruit that contains many nutrients that are useful for our body. Avocado nutrition facts that avocados have calories, fat, vitamins, minerals, lutein, and other content (the following will be explained later). History of the name avocado comes from the Aztec tribe that originated from Central America and Mexico, avocado known ahuacatl. Distribution avocado fruit in the world did not occur naturally, but the avocado fruit was first introduced to other areas by those Spaniards who first colonized the region of Central America and Mexico. Now, plants or avocado fruit we often encountered throughout tropical regions of the world (spread from southeast Asia, India, Africa and the region of origin fruit itself Central America).

Monarch butterfly caterpillar

Monarch butterfly or a butterfly king or better known to the researchers by the name Danaus plexippus. The butterflies of this type is often found in areas of North America, where the continent of North America is the habitat of the monarch butterfly distribution.

Just like other butterflies, monarch butterfly is also undergoing a process of metamorphose or body shape changes.  From egg to caterpillar to chrysalis and then just become monarch butterfly.

Monarch butterfly caterpillar
 Monarch butterfly caterpillar
Monarch butterfly caterpillar
 Monarch butterfly caterpillar
Monarch butterfly caterpillar
 Monarch butterfly caterpillar (all image/photo from wikipedia)

In phase a monarch butterfly caterpillar this is, caterpillars eat leaves to grow and then become pupae. Often people feel fear or contempt for monarch butterfly caterpillars, because caterpillars have a bad shape and unattractive. But when it becomes a butterfly paradigm changed drastically. Then you should change the mindset of monarch butterfly caterpillars. Since there will be no monarch butterflies are beautiful and pretty when monarch butterfly caterpillars do not exist.

Butterfly photo beautiful, lovely, and pretty

The butterfly is one of the very beautiful animals on earth. Butterflies have many different types and each type has a color or pattern of different wings. This causes the butterfly as very favored animal collector. However, with so many butterfly collector resulted in some butterfly species many endangered or even extinct from their natural habitat. Let's see some photos showing how beautiful butterflies that live in nature.

Butterfly photo
Butterfly photo

Butterfly photo
Butterfly photo

Butterfly photo
Butterfly photo

Butterfly photo
Butterfly photo

Butterfly photo
Butterfly photo

Butterfly photo
Butterfly photo

After seeing the beauty of butterflies through the photo above, as an individual I really hope that from now we can appreciate butterflies that live wild in nature. No more hunting butterflies only to the collection, let is we get to see them live in nature.

Cecropia moth: caterpillar, cocoon and other

Hyalophora cecropia is latin name or names biology of cecropia moth. Cecropia moth is the largest moth animals found in the region of North America. Cecropia moth is part of the Saturniidae family or us more familiar with the name of the giant silk moth. Distribution of the cecropia moth found in the western rocky mountains and found also in the maritime provinces (Canada). While still a larva, cecropia moth is usually found in maple trees (unique fact that the maple tree is not a food source cecropia moth but wild cherry and birch are the favorite food of the cecropia moth).

Maple tree or Acer has a broad distribution of habitats on earth. Commencing from continental Asia, Europe, North America, and even South America. Asia is a region that has the highest acer species numbered 128, and the least is south american (southern hemisphere) accounted for one species. But not all maple trees can be occupied by cecropia moth, there are certain factors that influence it.

How to differentiate between male cecropia moth and female cecropia moth.

Cecropia moth males and cecropia moth females have differences in the antennae (of course with a view of the cecropia moth antenna then we will be easy to differentiate between male and female). Antenna function in insects is very diverse or lots. There are three important functions for insect antennae. The function are as touch, as smell, and the latter as flavorings. Cecropia moth also use these functions on its antenna.

cecropia moth

The difference between males and females are:
1. Fur antenna,
  • Males have bushy antennae bristle structure.
  • Females have an antenna structure finer hairs or fewer.
2. Stomach giant silk moth.
  • Males had a stomach sharper.
  • Females have a more rounded belly stomach because females serves to store the eggs, so that the stomach will be bigger when compared with the male stomach.
Cecropia moth life cycle
1. Cecropia moth eggs
2. Cecropia moth eggs hatch and eat the leaves of the cherry
3. Cecropia moth caterpillar
Cecropia moth caterpillar
 Cecropia moth caterpillar
4. Cecropia moth cocoon
Cecropia moth cocoon
Cecropia moth cocoon
5. Cecropia moth pupa
6. Cecropia moth become adults with the release out of pupa
cecropia moth
Cecropia moth adult
(all image/picture from

Some of that could threaten the cecropia moth populations.
1. Parasitoids
Process parasitosid kill cecropia moth / pupa cecropia caterpillars from cecropia moth -> Other species lay their eggs in the caterpillar cecropia moth -> other species eggs hatch into larva in the cecropia moth caterpillar -> larva take control cecropia moth caterpillar with its specific chemical substances -> Larva into pupae and kill the caterpillar cecropia moth in a pupa state.
2. Squirrel
Squirrels was known to be more likely to eat a cocoon from cecropia moth. Actually, for the case from squirrels who like to eat a cocoon, this problem is not including a big problem because the problem is caused by the natural action from squirrel. Without treatment contrived by humans.
3. Illegal logging maple tree
Illegal logging is a major enemy of environmental protection in the world. With logging, trees as home and animal food sources is reduced. The less trees lead to the few animals left. In this case, when the maple trees reduced the cecropia moth will also be reduced. Reduced maple trees could be due to the maple tree has a function or benefit to humans. By taking excessive maple tree and not accompanied with planting maple trees, maple trees as home cecropia moth will disappear. Then surely cecropia moth will become extinct if not adapted to other trees.

Different kinds of ants that most unique

Ants are insects eusosial from families Formisidae, and ants are included in order Himenoptera along with bees and wasps. Ants are divided into more than 12,000 groups, with a large number of comparisons in the tropics. Known for its colony of ants and their nests are irregular, sometimes consisting of thousands of ants per colony. Types of ants are divided into worker ants, ant males, and the queen ant. One colony can master and use a large area to support their activities. Ant colonies are sometimes called superorganisme because their colonies are forming a union. Now i will give you information about different kinds of ants ( 6 most unique ant ).

1. Honeypot Myrmecocystus
Ants in dry climates should store food to survive longer than scarcity. In the deserts of North America, Myrmecocystus honeypot ants use their bodies as living containers, their bodies swell karen liquid reserves, and brought to the nest mate.

2. Harpegnathos saltator
Harpegnathos saltator
Picture Harpegnathos saltator form
Ants Jumpers India, Harpegnathos saltator, was one of the first ants to have genome sequencing.

3. Podomyrma
Podomyrma ant larvae tend to approach Lycaenid in South Australia. These caterpillars secrete substances that are attractive to ants, and the ants in turn provide protection from parasites. Ants are very abundant, that many other species have come to depend on them in different ways.

4. Malagasy
Among the peculiarities of the family is a mystery Malagasy ants ants (Mystrium species), which is a predator rainforest leaf litter dwellers.

5. Cecropia
(Azteca alfaroi) guard their trees seriously against intruders. Working together, they surround and immobilize their opponents by pinning the opponent until limp.

6. Thaumatomyrmex
One of the world's rarest insect is Thaumatomyrmex, ant mandibles strange tropical America has long made scientists ant confused.

What do clown fish eat? let's talk

Clown fish is one species of fish living in the sea. Clown fish belonging to the family Pomacentridae or more commonly known as coral advertising. Till date, of the family has been found 28 species and a total of 27 species of the genus Amphiprion comprises (from the genus Amphiprion one clan Premnas). The main characteristics of a clown fish is a fish has a distinctive color and pattern. You could see a clown fish image below. Furthermore, what are the food of a clown fish? What do clown fish eat? What do clown fish with anemones?

Clown Fish Picture from

Clown fish food and what do clown fish eat
Clown fish is very closely related to anemones. Why be so? Anemones is a food source of the clown fish, but anemones are not eaten clown fish directly, but both (clown fish and anemones) have a mutually beneficial relationship with each other. The main meal of the clown fish are small animals or invertebrates attached to the anemone tentacles. And indirectly by eating small invertebrates attached anemones, clown fish helps the anemone survival. Because in general invertebrates that live in the tentacles of the anemone is very detrimental to the development / growth / life anemones. And one of the highlights was a clown fish waste can be utilized by the anemone as nutrients for the development of the anemone.