
Animals that live in a swamp

If you're looking for about swamp animals, we will provide a list of the various animals that live in a swamp. List of the animals are:

1. American Alligator.

2. Snakes: Copperhead, Redbelly Water, Mystery marsh snake.

3. Frogs and Toads: Eastern Narrowmouth Frog, American Toad mating pair, Fowler's Toad, Northern Cricket Frog, Green Treefrog.

4. Birds: Green Heron, Swamp Sparrow (Melospiza georgiana), Eastern Kingbird (Tyrannus tyrannus), Eastern Bluebird, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (Polioptera caerulea), Red-winged Blackbird, Blue-winged Teal (Anas discors), Common Moorhen (Gallinula Chloropus), Tricolored Heron, American Coot (Fulica americana), Little Blue Heron (Egretta caerulea).

5. Butterflies & Skippers: Least Skippers, Pearl Crescent, Palatka Skipper (Euphyes pilatka), Dion Skipper (Euphyes dion), Palamedes Swallowtail (Papilio palamedes), Viceroy (Limenitis archippus).

6. Beetles: Spotted Ladybug Beetle (Coleomegilla maculata), Seven-spotted Ladybug Beetle (Coccinella septempunctata), Golden Tortoise Beetle (Charidotella bicolor), Swamp Milkweed Leaf Beetle (Labidomera clivicollis), Margined Leather-wing (Chauliognathus marginatus).

7. True Bugs: Toad bug, Shore Bug (Saldula pallipes).

8. Flies: Maybe mosquito larvae, Adult mosquito, Adult mosquito with foot, Southern Bee Killer (Mallophora orcina), Marsh Fly (Limnia loewi?), Mating Stilt-legged Flies (Micropezidae family), Picture-winged Fly (Delphinia picta).

9. Dragonflies: Needham's Skimmer (Libellula needhami), Twelve-spotted Skimmer (Libellula pulchella), Spangled Skimmer (Libellula cyanea), Common Green Darner, Autumn Meadowhawk (Sympetrum vicinum).

10. Damselflies: Citrine Forktail.

The source of this post and accompanied by images of animals you can see directly here.

Interesting facts about earth day

Do you know about Earth Day? when we are commemorating Earth Day? Do you know the history of Earth Day? problems on earth? The situation the earth now? The situation the earth the next few years? Maybe some of these questions are general questions about our earth. Earth Day is formed on the basis of concern for many people about the destruction of nature (including air, soil, water, forests, animals, and all contained in the whole earth). Earth Day was first celebrated on 22 April 1970, and then periodically commemorated annually on 22 April. History of the chosen earth Day coincided on April 22 because that date coincided with the birth of the Soviet Union founder Vladimir Lenin. This is not give mean that Earth Day is closely related to the communist ideology adopted by the Soviet Union, but rather chose that date because of Vladimir Lenin has an ideology that goes along with recovery of our earth. In other theory described, on 22 April 1970 coincided on Wednesday. Wednesday are middle day of the week, middle of the week is the culmination of all the business of work in big cities, so hopefully by that date, people are leaving the work to contribute to participate on Earth Day and to leave their jobs. And, on that day it worked, on 22 April 1970 many people participate on Earth Day activities and leave their jobs. It's a little explanation of the history of Earth Day when would and reasons.
earth day

Actually, philosophy earth Day not only we merely commemorate it. But there must be change, especially from within ourselves, and the general environment around us. Changes in lifestyle is one small step to help our earth. The little things that we often forget in keeping our earth, for example, taking out the trash in the garbage, planting trees in our home environment, early knowledge of child as the foundation of the early movement of the earth changes in the future.

How important the role of Earth Day on Earth changes?
Well, I think Earth Day is very important. The reason is there any hope to change towards for the better. Earth Day can be used as a symbol that there are still people who care about the earth, there are still people who respect the earth, and there are still people who love the earth. Advances in technology, economics, science is supposed to be offset by the rapid progress of the concern for the earth. Should rapid development in all sectors should lead to environmentally friendly technologies.

What would happen if people did not care for the earth?
WOW, it will poorly. Why I can say it, it is because both consciously or unconsciously we are living on earth and we are always in need of the earth.

Are you want??

1. Out of the house must use a special mask to filter the air to breathe.

2. To breathe the oxygen we need to buy.

3. Using a special eye protection to see because the air was too thick so that our visibility very limited.

4. No more space to relax in the outdoors for refreshment,

5. Cannot live without instrumentality/tools.

These five points above are just a few examples of the adverse effects that would occur if we do not care about the earth. Remember, the earth is our life and the earth needs us to lifeless. So after reading my article on"Interesting facts about earth day" I hope we begin to change to love our earth. Make the earth a wonderful place, and make the earth as a place most convenient for us to live.

Interesting Facts about Ant for Children and kids

Interesting Facts about Ant for Children and kids is the title of this article. Everyone must know and met with ants. But many people may not notice the details about the life of the ant itself. Many people only know that ants always live in groups with very large numbers, and nothing else. This article will give some interesting and sometimes funny facts about ants, so you all know that ants do not just live in groups, but there are still other facts. So enjoy reading.

A. Ant fun facts, 10 interesting ant facts:

1. Ants can carry objects 50 times their own weight with their jaws.
2. Ant soldier uses his head to block the entrance to their nest and prevent intruders from accessing.
3. Some species of ants defend the plants for food and shelter. Ants defend myrmecophytes plants from mammalian and insect herbivores, and can even cut the weeds that trying to grow on host plants.
4. Total biomass of all ants on earth is approximately equal to the total biomass of all the nations of the earth.
5. Ants sometimes herd and join the other species of insects such as aphids or leafhoppers.
6. Ants will enslave other ants species, keeping them hostage and make them work for the colony.
8. Ants began farming long before humans thought to their own farm.
9. Large community of ants form a "super Colonies". Ants can have as many as 700,000 members in its colony.
10. Foraging ants follow the scent trail laid by the scout ants to gather food.

B. Leaf cutter ant facts.
Leaf cutter ant
Leaf cutter ant
Special characteristics of leaf cutter ants, which are also called "Atta", is their habit of carrying pieces of leaves which they cut on his head. This leaf cutter ants is hiding under the leaves, which are very large compared to their body size. This leaves, they hold with clenched jaws. Therefore, the worker's ants way home after working all day to give a view very interesting. People who see it will feel as if the forest floor comes alive and running.

Apparently the leaf cutter ants use leaves to produce mushrooms. Leaves itself cannot they eat because their bodies do not have enzymes that can digest the cellulose in the leaves. Worker ants piling up pieces after they were chewing the leaves, and they kept in the spaces in an underground lair. In this room they grow mushrooms on the leaves. With this, they get the protein they need from the top of mushrooms.

When the ants cut the leaves of with mandible (jaw), whole body vibrates. The scientists observed that the vibration is still made ​​of leaves, so it's easier cutting. At the same time, this sound can attract the attention of other workers - all female - to the area to finish cut the whole leaf. The ants are rubbing two small organs in the stomach to produce this vibration, which can be heard as a human being a very quiet sound. These vibrations were sent through the body until it reaches the mandible of each ant is similar to sickle. With her ​​ass vibrate rapidly, the ants cut the leaves with a sickle-shaped mandibles vibrate, similar to an electric knife.

C. Red ant facts.
Red ant
Red ant
Fire ants can be found in the trees around the house. They make a nest with stringing the leaves into bundles scattered trees editorials. To breed a red ant enough with put some red ants in a tree then it will spread quickly, especially if there is food for prey such as caterpillars or pupae of many.

The life of an ant starts from an egg. If the egg has been fertilized, the female hatched ants (diploid); if not male (haploid). Ants are holometabolisms, which is grown through a complete metamorphosis, passing through larval and pupal stages before they become adults. Larval stage is a very vulnerable stage.

The conclusion of this article, the ant is wonderful and impressive animals. They are animals that live in colonies. They have a good division of labor and well structured. Worker ants, army ants, the queen ant is one of the interesting parts of the ant itself. Of ants, humans should be modeled on a harmonious living among ants with other ants. Hopefully from this article "Interesting Facts about Ant for Children and kids" you can get what you are looking for.

Koala Bear Facts

Koala is one of the protected animals. How much fun if we can can have these animals. However, making a koala as a pet can make you punished in Australia, anyone who maintains a koala will get jail term. Despite its name pick meaning "no drink", koala still drink the water! Only, these animals are rarely seen drinking. Koala gets its water from eucalyptus leaves are eaten by it.

Koala bear pictures
Koala bear pictures

This animal is known as an animal who loves to sleep. Koala can sleep up to 18 hours per day. When not sleeping, koala using his time to eat or move from one tree to another. They can also jump up to 150 feet (45.72 meters) measured from the top of the tree.

Koala bear habitat
Koala can be found along the east coast of Australia from Adelaide to Cape York Peninsula, and far into the inland as there is sufficient rainfall to support suitable forests for koalas.

Is a koala a bear? Let see the illustration.
Phascolarctos cinereus the latin name of koala (Greek: phaskolos means the bag; arktos means bear Latin: cinereus means gray in color.), that mean koala base on name is bear, that prove from "arktos means bear". So, all up to you to decide. We can not prove in detail whether the koala's come from families bear, but for us to see its name possible to include koala into the bear family.

Baby koala bear
Baby koala bear
If you see the size of an adult koala, do you know that when born, koalas only have a length of 1 inch (2.54 CM)? Weighing only by bees, as koalas are born. Baby koala will remain in the bag her mother until him 6 months old and while still breastfeeding.

Koala is an icon for Australia is now endangered habitat. Koala population decline as much as 80 percent have occurred on some areas. Decline in koala populations due to natural living habitat quality deteriorates. As a result of environmental pollution, urban renewal, disease, mining, floods, logging, bush fires on land, and expected an attack dog one of the factors why the koala population in Australia decreased. However, the influence of motor vehicle pollution and industry are the main factors exacerbating the environmental conditions where the growth of koala habitat.

Grizzly Bear Facts

Grizzly bear is one bear species that lived on earth. Another name for grizzly bear is the silvertip bear. Grizzly bear has a classification, among others include kingdom Animalia, phylum chordota, class mammals, order Carnivora, family ursidae, genus Ursus, species U. and subspecies U. arctos a. horribilis. Some Grizzly bear facts that may be known, will be discussed in this article.

Grizzly Bear

Grizzly bears do not have enemies or predators. This put him in first place in the food chain. Even the number of tigers and cougars have been found dead after a grizzly bear attack.

Grizzly bears are also known can smell food range 18 miles.

Can reach 2.5 meters in height when standing upright on hind legs

Weight can reach 360 kg.

Eat anything. starting from plants, termites, and small mammals.

Can run 65 km / h over short distances.

Living in the mountains or valleys that have source water.

Hibernate (hibernation), when hibernation this bear slowing heart work of 40 beats per minute to 8 beats and lowering the entire body functions.

Preparation for hibernation, adult grizzly bears eat about 40 kg per day

Grizzly bears known to eat salmon. when salmon swim upstream for spawn, set Grizzly bears lined up in the middle of the river. Once the salmon leap from the water, directly catch by Grizzly bears.

Baby Grizzly Bear
Baby Grizzly Bear
The Grizzly bears like to live alone. They'd get together with friends and relatives during a party fish. However, female Grizzly bear is a very good mother and loving. Mother grizzly bear very patiently care of and teach bay bear.

Malayan Sun Bear facts, habitats, etc

The sun bear, sometimes known as the honey bear. The sun bear is also called Honey Bear can be found in tropical rain forests of Asia. This Malayan Sun Bear entire body has black fur, but her face had a gray color and upper chest though there are white patches sometimes appear vague, brown eyes, long tongue and can be extended in accordance with the natural conditions for extracting honey from honeycomb in trees, have long nails on all four arms are used to facilitate the search for food and climb trees.

sun bear habitats

Sun bears are nocturnal or also called nocturnal creatures, they spend time on the ground and climb trees in search of food. Except for females with his baby, sun bears are generally solitary.

Sun bear food:
Sun bears are omnivorous animals, they eat fruits and tropical rain forest plants, as well as shoots of plants species of palm, coconut. They also eat insects, honey, birds and other small animals. If the sun bears eat the fruit, seeds be swallowed whole, so it is not broke, after a bowel movement, the seeds are there in the dirt began to grow so that sun bears have a very important role as a disseminator of stone fruit plants such as cempedak, durian, lahung, kerantungan and many other types. and found some cases prey on goats.

The habitats:
The Sun Bear (Ursus malayanus), sometimes known as Honey Bear, is a bear found primarily in tropical rain forests of Southeast Asia, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, South China, Peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra and Kalimantan. Malay Sun bears Borneo is the smallest of these species and subspecies are considered to warrant status (Helarctos malayanus eurispylus). Southeast Malay bears inhabit both primary and logged tropical forests, dense in Asia, including tropical always green forests, mountain forests and marsh habitat. This occurs up to 2,000 meters above sea level.

The biggest threat Honey Bear lives in Borneo and Sumatra is the destruction of forests and the people as its main predator. The impact of fires and uncontrolled deforestation that swept the forests of Sumatra and Kalimantan, causing populations H. malayanos threatened with extinction. This is difficult because of endangered species to survive, since honey bear only lives in wet lowland tropical forest. While the damage forest fires and illegal logging occurs almost every year. Coupled with the level of dependence on low lying wet tropical forests is very high. Some bear ever found dead of starvation due to burn down their forests. This proves that these animals live only in forest areas that are completely natural.

sun bear

Sun bears (Helarctos malayanus), its existence continues to shrink. But it's not an easy matter to add the numbers. Not only because of wide habitat is reduced due to coal mining in East Kalimantan, but these animals were also reluctant to reproduce as if the wide territory continues to shrink. There are interesting facts about the unique nature of sun bears, which is not or hold to have children if they feel that his children would not receive a suitable roaming area.

sun bear

Since 1994, Sun bears (Helarctos malayanus) categorized the status of conservation "Vulnerable" (Vulnerable; VU) which means that these species are at risk of extinction in the wild. Besides sun bears included in CITES Appendix I since 1979.