
Borneo and sumatran orangutan facts

Animals Plants Rainforest > animal , Animal Rainforest > Borneo and sumatran orangutan facts

Borneo and sumatran orangutan facts is discussion very interesting to study, partly because the orangutan is one highly protected species and if you look at some recent cases you will find that the relationship between the orangutan to humans very bad in Sumatran and Borneo forest. Save orangutan is mandatory action that orangutan conservation can work very well (both from the government, society, company or orangutan protection laws).

1. Borneo Orangutan, Pongo pygmaeus, is a species native island of Borneo orangutan. Together with the smaller Sumatran orangutan, Borneo orangutans to the genus Pongo can encounter in Asia. Borneo Orangutan has a long life time for 35 to 40 years in the wild, while in captivity can reach the age of 60 years.
2. Picture Borneo forest development are becoming increasingly diminished.

3. Borneo Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) had a body weight of about 50-100 kg (males) and 30-50 kg (females) with an average height of 1.5 meters.
4. Borneo Orangutan that consists of three subspecies Pongo pygmaeus morio, Pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus, and Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii.
5. Borneo Orangutan is omnivorous animal though more like plants. The food are fruit, leaves, bark, flowers, bird eggs, insects, and other small vertebrates. Borneo's endemic animals active during the day (diurnal).
6. Subspecies Pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus (Northwest Bornean Orangutan) can be found in Sarawak (Malaysia) and northwestern Borneo. Subspecies Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii(Central Bornean Orangutan) is located in Central Kalimantan and the southern part of West Borneo. while the subspecies Pongo pygmaeus morio (Northeast Bornean Orangutan) found in East Kalimantan (Indonesia) and Sabah (Sepilok orangutan rehabilitation is one of the places located in sabah, malaysia). If you want to see directly the lives of orangutans in their natural habitat then orangutan tours is one choice or you can try borneo orangutan tour to see orangutans in the wild.
7. Borneo orangutan population is more than the Sumatran orangutan. Its population is estimated at between 45,000 to 69,000 individuals (Caldecott and Miles 2005). To participate in the development of the orangutan population then you can join orangutan adoption program.
Borneo orangutan
(image from
Borneo orangutan

1. Sumatran Orangutan or Pongo abelii is among the 11 most endangered mammal in Indonesia.
2. Sumatran orangutan population is estimated only about 6,500 individuals (MoF, 2007).
3. Sumatran Orangutan (Pongo abelii) is almost similar to the Borneo orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) but has a smaller body size. Sumatran orangutan height approximately 1.25 to 1.5 meters with body weight range 30-50 kg (females) and 50-90 kg (males). Another characteristic of the Sumatran orangutan is a great posture, long arms and strong, short legs, and no tail. In his body covered with feathers (hair) in maroon.
4. As an animals endemic of Sumatran, Sumatran Orangutan can only be found on the island of Sumatra. Some areas are a major habitat, among others, in northern Sumatra (Aceh and North Sumatra) as in the Gunung Leuser National Park and Wildlife Bukit Lawang. The last few years orangutan conservation projects have made ​​the Sumatran orangutan reintroduction into the Thirty Hill National Park (Jambi and Riau).
5. The more rare and declining population Sumatran Orangutan caused by damage forest. The Sumatran tropical forests by UNESCO as a world heritage site degradation due to conversion of palm oil plantations, mining, clearing, both legal and illegal logging, settlement and forest fires.
Sumatran orangutan
(image from
Sumatran orangutan

Top Ten Mountain gorilla facts

Animals Plants Rainforest > animal , Animal Rainforest > Top Ten Mountain gorilla facts

Mountain gorilla facts - The discussion this time we will discuss about the facts of the mountain gorilla from Africa. Maybe it's widely seen and known that the gorilla is one of the highly protected animals and mountain gorilla is endangered species. Here will be a little exposed some facts that will make your mind to remember how important the protection of the mountain gorillas (african mountain gorilla). 

mountain gorilla pictures
(image from
mountain gorilla pictures

The first fact of mountain gorillas.
Since the mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei) found late 1902, the population of these animals is declining due to illegal logging, poaching mass, and the illegal pet trade. 

The second fact
mountain gorilla habitat, currently there are about 700 mountain gorillas left on earth, and nearly half live in the Virunga mountain forests of central Africa. These gorillas live on the green volcanic slopes of Rwanda, Uganda, and the Democratic Republic of Congo, the area is often the case that the slaughter of animals by humans, so here gorilla could not escape unscathed during the hunt. 

The third fact
Many conservation efforts have been made in order to save the mountain gorilla, and it is believed that their numbers will be stable or even increasing slowly. But they still face a serious threat here, that the loss of habitat and poaching. 

Facts fourth
Gorillas can climb trees, but are usually found in soil and bersosial live up to 30 individuals. Gorilla society is composed of an interesting social structure. The group, led by a dominant male gorilla adult or an older, often called silver because silver hair that adorn the plot behind dark fur. Members of the group include several other young males, several females and their offspring. 

Facts fifth
The group leader leads all activities like eating, nesting in leaves, and moving in an area of ​​0.75 to 16-square-mile (2-to-40-square kilometers) in area. 

Facts sixth
Those young stud is considered as challenges that tend to be frightened by the dominant males with impressive ferocity and demonstrate physical strength. Dominant males will stand up, tear apart the surrounding objects, creating an aggressive appearance, and showing big chest while shouting loud calls or release a frightening roar. However, despite the display of physical force as a beast, but the gorillas generally have a calm temperament and nonaggressive unless they are disturbed. 

Facts seventh
mountain gorilla population - BBC reported, the mountain gorilla population decline due to poaching, armed conflict, deforestation and disease. The number of gorillas in the Virunga National Park is estimated only 211 left in the wild, while the number is estimated no more than 720. Virunga National Park covers an area of ​​three countries in Africa, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Uganda with an area of ​​7800 km square. This area is designated as a UNESCO World Heritage in 1979. 

Facts eighth
If you want to do mountain gorilla trekking, mountain gorilla safaris, and mountain gorilla tours, then you are obliged to visit the Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Uganda. Gorilla charity events we need to encourage to the maximum, so that the mountain gorillas not perish. 

Facts ninth Female
gorillas give birth to one baby gorilla after nearly nine months of pregnancy. Unlike their powerful mother, newborn very small weighing two pounds, and is only able to cling to their mothers fur. Baby gorilla continues to be in the back of their mother from the age of four months to two or three years in their first life. 

Facts tenth
Young gorilla aged three to six years as impressive as human life in childhood. Most of their days are spent playing, climbing trees, chasing each other, and swing from one branch to another branch.

Mountain gorilla
(image from
Mountain gorilla

Bengal cat personality, cost, breeders

Animals Plants Rainforest > animal , pet > Bengal cat personality, cost, breeders

Bengal cat personality, cost, breeders
Bengal cat personality, cost, breeders

Bengal cat is a cat lover, loves, loves to be friendly, very active and was always wanted to play and love the water. Bengal cat owner will automatically be very dear to him, because the characters are good and unique, they are able to satisfy the owner.

Bengal name itself comes from the scientific name of the Asian Leopard Cat is often referred to as the Bengal Tiger.

Bengal cats big and little forms of body length, have some kind of official colors, such as brown-black spotted, marbled brown-black, snow-spotted and snow-marbled. Popular variation is the brown-black spotted as almost to resemble the appearance of the Asian Leopard Cat. Brown spotted and brown marbled have big eyes, expressive, alert, almond shaped blue or green. Snow colors available with blue eyes or the other.

A geneticist and breeder cats in California try to cross the Asian Leopard Cat with the American Shorthair. Intermarriage patterns aims to get "spotted wild cat" on domestic cats. Furthermore daughters offspring are crossed back to his father that produced kittens with spotted pattern that became known as the Bengal race. This race is a descendant of the wild cat and still rare.

In 1973 Dr. Centerwall University of California crosses the continuing program to get the Asian Leopard Cat Feline Leukemia resistant to disease caused by a virus. Race of 1983 was registered in the association / federation TICA, while Fife federation only recently admitted it. Bengal was introduced in France in 1991.

In February 1998, a bengal cat named Cato, holds the record as the world's most expensive cat. Cato purchased by Cindy Jackson (London, England) at a price of $ 41,435 (about U.S. $ 372.6 million). Cindy herself was a world record holder as the most plastic surgery ever. The record's most expensive cat only lasted until 2005.

Bengal cat head shape large and rather long, but smaller than the portion of his body. His neck is big, long and muscular, balanced with head size. Nose large and wide, while the skin of the nose is red with a black outline. Ear medium and facing forward. Eyes wide and round like almond, green or amber.

Color patterns are characterized bengal tabby spotted a blackish color, brown or cinnamon, and black horizontal lines the shoulder section, as well as a ring-shaped circle on the tail with a dark tip. Orange base color is preferred. Also known classic tabby pattern that looks like oyster pattern on the thighs and butterfly pattern on the shoulders.

Bengal cat is a cat race smart and active. One of his trademark is a favorite for water, they like to be part of his body soaked with water. They love to bathe and soak in the bathtub with the owner.

Bengal cat personality, cost, breeders
Bengal cat personality, cost, breeders

Bengal cat price (just side information)

Animals Plants Rainforest > animal , pet > Bengal cat price (just side information

Bengal cat
Bengal cat (image from

This is the same cat Ashera cat (market price of these cats ranged from $ 22,000 to $ 28,000. But there are also hypoallergenic version is released for $ 37,000. Ashera cat most expensive ever sold for $ 125,000, with the snow leopard motif.), it is also the result of the marriage of cross between a domestic cat with jungle cats asia. market price of the cat is actually relatively similar to the price Maini coon. but in 1998 bengal cat named fur ball sold for $ 42,000 (bengal cat price).

Bengal cat
Bengal cat
Bengal cat
Bengal cat

Cheetah running speed

11 year old female cheetah from Cincinati Zoo, Ohio, USA, named Sarah crowned the fastest . Imagine, these animals can run with inter space 100 meters in just 5.95 seconds!
Cheetah running
Cheetah running
Currently the fastest runner origin Jamaica, Usain Bolt, who competed in the London Olympics, for instance, is only able to cover a distance of 100 meters in 9.58 seconds. Cheetah was destined to run faster than humans. On the tape documentation of National Geographic magazine, Sarah was able to run at speeds of 98 km / hour based on the measurement results when run in the Road Running Technical Council of USA Track & Field. Cheetah run at an average speed of 96.5 km / h.- Sarah's record for the fastest run beat his own previous record. In 2009, Sarah could run 100 meters in 6.13 seconds. The record before that was a male named Nyana South Africa, running 100 meters in 6.19 seconds.
Cheetah running
Sarah is now a part of the Cat Ambassador Program. Running fast is documented in an effort to support conservation program as a big cat, Big Cat Initiative.

Secret velocity is on the spine that very flexible, able to make taking 6.7 meters in every step. Cheetah also always accelerate the movement while running.
running cheetah pictures
 Running cheetah pictures

Baby cheetah facts and information

Cheetah female pregnant with his baby within 3 months. Parent cheetah can give birth to four baby cheetah. Cheetah aged between 10 and 12 years. Basically, cheetahs are solitary animals. Some time after mating, the male escort female cheetah. However, mother cheetah is often found alone or with their baby.
baby cheetah
 baby cheetah
Cheetah giving birth in remote areas. Baby newborn cheetah did not open his eyes until a week or two weeks. When parent hunting, cheetah baby hidden in a safe place. After 6 weeks of age, the baby cheetah is able to follow its mother cheetah. Baby cheetah to breastfeeding its mother for 2 to 3 months. However, they have started eating meat since the age of 3 weeks.
baby cheetah pictures
 baby cheetah pictures 
The age of 4 months, the baby cheetah's body is yellow-brown and almost entirely covered by spots. Cheetahs do not roar like a lion. 
cute baby cheetah pictures
 cute baby cheetah pictures 
They snoring, hiss, whine and growl. Cheetah has a sign language group, the most common is like the sound of birds chirping.

Cheetah facts fun for kids

Cheetah facts fun for kids, but not only for kids only but you all can read this for more information facts about a cheetah, now here are :
1. Cheetah is the fastest land animal in the world. They can reach a top speed of around 113 km per hour. Secret velocity cheetah is on the spine that flexible, able to make a cheetah taking 6.7 meters in every step. Cheetah also always accelerate the movement while running.

2. Cheetah can accelerate from 0 to 113 km in just a few seconds. However, they get tired and can only follow their top speed for a few minutes before they are too tired to continue.
baby cheetah
 baby cheetah
3. One way to always recognize a cheetah is through long black stripes running from the eyes to the mouth. This is usually called a "tear line" and scientists believe that they help protect the eyes from the sun's harsh cheetah and help them to see long distances.

4. Cheetah is smaller than other members of the big cat family, weighs only 45-60 pounds. Cheetahs are big cats that can not roar. Can snoring and snoring the loudest usually when sitting close to other cheetahs. 

5. Cheetahs can not climb a tree and have poor night vision. With light weight and blunt claws, cheetahs are not well designed to protect themselves from their prey. When a larger animal or a more aggressive approach cheetah, cheetah would surrender and avoid a fight. Cheetahs need only drink once every three to four days.  
cheetah pictures
 cheetah pictures

Elephant Pictures (Asian and African)

Elephant Pictures (Asian and African) - Family Elephantidae (Elephant) is the family of the order Pachyderm, and the only remaining family of the order Proboscidae. Elephants are mammals and is the largest land animal in the world. 
Elephant Pictures
 Elephant Pictures
There are two species of elephants in the world, namely Asian Elephant (formerly known as the Indian elephant) and African elephants.
Asian Elephant Pictures
Asian Elephant Pictures
Asian Elephant Distribution includes India, Southeast Asia including Indonesia and the western part of Sabah (East Malaysia). 
African Elephant Pictures
African Elephant Pictures
While the African Elephant spreading covers most of mainland Africa in the form of pasture. In Indonesia, there are elephants in Sumatra (Sumatra Elephant), and in Nunukan regency, East Kalimantan (Borneo elephant).

Amur Leopard Facts, Habitat, Conservation

Amur Leopard Facts - These animals are found in areas throughout Korea and Northeast China and Russian Far East (amur leopard habitat). The amount is currently in the wild is less than 35 and is one of the species of the family of the rarest cat on Earth. Known also named Leopard Machuria, the cat is facing the threat is most certainly remove them from the wild population of the earth.
Amur Leopard
Amur Leopard
Amur leopard (pardus orientalis Phantera) is a subspecies of leopard cat that had a great family life and a different story, has a pattern of dots and patterns that are different from other leopards. Although still at a glance as the leopard (spotted) usual, but noticed a young creamy color with spots and a broken circle with a dark color in the middle of the pattern. This style will look different in the winter and summer. If winter comes, the feather pattern measuring 7.5 cm, while in summer decreases to 2.5 cm.
Amur Leopard pictures
 Amur Leopard pictures
In 2007, the identification of these animals show the number of Amur leopards left in the wild is only 25-35 tail again, the very small to survive! Therefore, the rescue environment and animal-lovers called for the protection of the Amur leopard.

African Lion Facts

African Lion Facts - Savannas is a vast grassland and populated by thousands of predators that control the whole plains, They are the lions Africa.
african lion
african lion
African lions male and female must unite and be part of a group called Pride (pride) to survive, because the prey can only be obtained from the hunt in packs. A group of lions can have up to 40 members of the tail and even more. Most of the members of the group is the female with his son and only male lions.

African lions are perfectly designed for fighting and hunting. They have big muscles and strong hind legs, allowing them to pounce on its prey with ease. They have powerful claws, large jaws and sharp teeth that enable them to quickly immobilize prey or opponent. Their tails to create a balance while pursuing prey, they have a very sensitive sense of smell and sight of sharp eight-fold the human eye when they hunt at night.
african lion pictures
 african lion pictures

Leopard frog

Leopard frog, when hearing word leopard certainly thought we were going towards the leopard. Actually, even if it does not have a kinship between the leopard with the leopard frog, but there is one similarity that very typical that is style / pattern skin very similar between the two. Leopard frogs are also known as meadow frog. Distribution of leopard frog habitat is North America to northern Mexico.
leopard frog
leopard frog
northern leopard frog
 northern leopard frog
southern leopard frog
southern leopard frog

African dwarf frog

African Dwarf Frogs from genus Hymenochirus in Pipidae family. Characteristics common to all members of this family is that they have a tapered head and eye circles without a lid, and they do not have a tongue. male African dwarf frogs are slender, and usually slightly smaller than females. 
African dwarf frog
african dwarf frog pictures
On reaching maturity they developed a small gland called the post-axillary sub dermal gland behind each of their front legs. African dwarf frog has a tail longer than the males of the species. They take on a pear-shaped at maturity reach, for their stomachs filled with eggs. African dwarf frogs begin to mature sexually at about nine months.

Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus Leucocephalus)

Bald eagle facts:
Hali: salt, aeetus: eagle, leuco: white, chepalus: head) is the pride of the people of USA birds. Diameter of the nest can reach 2.9 meters and it can reach 6 feet.

This type of eagle is a symbol of the United States. The people of the United States considers this eagle is a symbol of strength and prosperity for the people of the United States.

bald eagle pictures
bald eagle pictures
bald eagle images
bald eagle images
female bald eagle
female bald eagle
bald eagle nest
bald eagle nest


American Bison (Bison bison) - Bison is a typical American bison, they are symbolic animal that symbolizes the greatness and bravery, even in America this animal is often mistakenly called buffalo. By whatever name, they are tough animals and the heaviest land animal in North America.
Specification in general, bison are of the type of mammal or mammal, the status of prey are herbivores or plant-eating animals. The average life span in the wild 12 to 20 years with body size for the head and body length of about 7 to 11.5 feet (2.1 to 3.5 m), tail length of about 19.75 to 23.5 inches ( 50 to 60 cm), weight 930 to 2,200 lbs (422-998 kg). They live in a community called  herd.

Did you know? Bison fur coat is very thick, well insulated so it can continue to snowball on his back without melting.

If the bison standing shoulder height from 5 to 6.5 feet (1.5 to 2 meters) and weighs nearly one ton (998 kilograms). Although large in size, able to move their feet quickly. When necessary, they can run at speeds up to 40 miles (65 kilometers) per hour. They are curved and sharp horns that grow in a long time about two feet (61 cm).
baby bison
baby bison
This big bull eating grass on the plains, leaves, shrubs, and twigs. They regurgitate their food and chew longer before swallowing it up like the foam into the hull.

Bull females and males generally live in small herds are separate and will then gather in huge flocks during the breeding season when the summer comes. Males should be able to win the contest through a battle with other males for mating with females, but their competition is not so dangerous. Females give birth to a small bull pups after a gestation period of nine months.

American Bison initially fills the entire Great Plains grasslands and large parts of North America, and has an important role for the Indians because they are used as food. But after entering the 19 century, the arrival of new immigrants has killed at least 50 million head of bison for sport and hunting for food, so they have omitted the most important natural asset for the Indian tribes who are natives of the Americas.
bison pictures
bison pictures
Now the population of bison in the Great Plains just a few hundred head of animals that live in the wild. Currently a successful bison survival in the wild is low and approximately 200,000 heads of bison living on the ranch where they raised for their meat sold.